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Theory & Practice in Multicultural Counseling

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Paper Instructions:

Multicultural Self-Reflection Post. Text book is: Sue, D. & Sue, D. (2016). Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice (7th Edition). Wiley Reflecting on the content of this journal will become the foundation for the writing of a 1-2 paragraphs discussion post, in which students will describe and analyze the following: a. What have I found different and valuable about this class? b. What did I find uncomfortable about this class? c. What biases/prejudices have I discovered in myself during this immersive experience? d. Where do these biases and prejudices come from? e. How might these biases/prejudices interfere with my development as a multicultural/cross-cultural counselor, educator, and supervisor? f. Am I ready for reevaluation of my biases/prejudices? g. What steps I am planning to take to improve my ability to work with this population? Style, spelling, grammar, content, style, presentation, references/citation and completeness will be considered in grading.

159 Words  1 Pages
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