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If nuclear weapons and MAD are the ultimate deterrent, do you think we should build a ‘doomsday’ device?

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If nuclear weapons and MAD are the ultimate deterrent, do you think we should build a ‘doomsday’ device? Write a memo to President Trump outlining why you think the US should or should not develop and operationalize a doomsday device. In your memo you should explain how deterrence works and why you think a doomsday machine would help US security or hurt it. You may include a discussion on whether or not having Trump as president strengthens your argument and position or not, and you may want to address the uniqueness of nuclear weapons and how we understand their power and destructiveness. Citations need to be Chicago style. If you could reference the movie Dr Strangelove at least two times and how it relates to this, that would be great. Thank you!

147 Words  1 Pages
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