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Choose two theories related to human behavior utilized in understanding lifespan.

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Paper Instructions:

At least 4 full pages. NO PLAGIARISM. APA Format. use 2 peer reviewed journal articles per theory. provide 2 paragraph summary for each article

Choose two theories related to human behavior utilized in understanding lifespan. Paper should answer the following questions for each theory: 1a. Identify major theorist b. Academic background of each theorist (e.g sociologist, social worker, educator, etc.) c. How was it first utilized 2a.Primary focus of theory b. major concepts related to theory c. How can the theory be used as a practice intervention? d. How can the theory be applied in practice? 3. 1 paragraph discussing if any group was excluded or included in focus (e.g race, gender, class)

Each theory requires a heading.

133 Words  1 Pages
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