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Culture-and-personality studies advanced notions of 'basic personality structure' and 'national character', without paying heed to history, cultural heterogeneity, or the role of hegemony in shaping uniformities; but suspiciously similar characterizations

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Paper Instructions:

On page 588, Wolf says "Culture-and-personality studies advanced notions of 'basic personality structure' and 'national character', without paying heed to history, cultural heterogeneity, or the role of hegemony in shaping uniformities; but suspiciously similar characterizations of modern nations and 'ethnic groups' continue to appear."  Discuss this in relation to one of the three projects Wolf discusses, or another example you can think of.

please do not just regurgitate a summary from the article, reflect on it in some way - either conceptually, or as it relates to something else.

101 Words  1 Pages
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