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The social construction of gender

Paper instructions:

Final Exam.
Due December 19, 2017 at 6 pm.
Absolutely no outside sources. Make sure to use plenty of examples to support your claim.
Do not need a works cited page.

1. (2-3 pages) 
A) Barker and Feiner (Liberating Economics), Martin (“Becoming a Gendered Body”), and Pascoe (“Dude, You’re a Fag”) all analyze the social construction of gender. Choose two of the above readings and explain how the author(s) show gender is socially constructed. How does the social construction of gender work in the two readings you choose? B) Compare and contrast how your chosen authors analyze the social construction of gender. In what ways are they similar? In what ways are they different?  
C) For each author you choose, how does the social construction of gender produce inequality? D) Do you find the analyses persuasive, why or why not? 

2. (3-4 pages)
A) According to Michelle Alexander, a racial caste system is built into the fundamental structures of American society. What does she mean by this? Why is it important to recognize this racial caste system according to Alexander? B) According to Michelle Alexander, what is the new Jim Crow? In what ways does it resemble and parallel the old Jim Crow? In what ways is the new Jim Crow different than the old? C) How does the new Jim Crow work to socially construct race? What are the consequences for social inequality? D) Provide at least two criticisms of Alexander’s analysis. Do you find her analysis persuasive, why or why not? 

The New Jim Crow revised edition by Michelle Alexander

270 Words  1 Pages
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