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Investigating the benefits and drawbacks of cloud computing for SMEs

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Paper Instructions:

Chapter: Literature Review

Before start working on the literature review chapter, please review the following research objectives which will be exploring in this research work-
•    Investigating the benefits and drawbacks of cloud computing for SMEs
•    Examine the right cloud migrating framework for SMEs
•    Finding out the feasible key management procedures

Instruction for Literature Review chapter:

The instruction for the literature review as following-
•    Literature should explain the background related to research objectives and should give a clear rationale explanation of the need for exploring the research objectives.
•    It also should serve as a summary of the background/foundation for the research.
•    The literature review should provide a comparison and contrast of findings from different articles and discuss the limitations, gaps, and controversies (if there is any) that exist in the literature.
•    A reference listing of the articles should also be included at the end of the literature review.
•    Reference should be from scholarly and peer-reviewed articles, technical Web sites, or books. APA latest edition should be followed for all work that is submitted.

•    No plagiarism, please. 

Sample Writing:

The foremost drivers for cloud computing are consequential cost advantages. Due to the limited financial resources of SMEs, compared to their larger counterparts, the companies [3][19]. Given their limited financial power, such companies cannot undertake large investments and therefore face significant advantages in adopting the cloud, as there is little or no upfront investment necessary. The enterprise, thus, gets to turn its capital expense into a variable operating expense [10]. Additionally, whereas large corporations need to operate and manage expensive legacy systems, SMEs are less likely to have such major infrastructure; hence the overall costs can be potentially lower [6]. On the other hand, it could be argued that the absence of such complex enterprise applications and IT infrastructure even facilitates cloud service integration [10].

Cloud computing is seeing increasing attention that will inevitably drive businesses to migrate existing on-premise applications onto the cloud [16]. Even though this attractive proposition has widespread acceptance among SMEs, the numbers of companies actually utilizing the cloud appear to be rather low [20]. In general, security concerns are among the top obstacles for adopting the cloud [15]. However, security studies have found that the actual migration of existing applications and processes poses major challenges for SMEs [4]. Khajeh-Hosseini et al. [9] confirm this, warning that the adoption of cloud computing in enterprise environments is not a trivial undertaking, while Peddigardi (2011) [16] points out that the challenges are often due to a lack of understanding of the business processes itself. Many SMEs, therefore, fail to fully comprehend the intricacies of their enterprise application landscape [7].

** I uploaded few research articles here, but please feel free to find more by yourself.


475 Words  1 Pages
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