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What method of discipline has been shown to be best for child development?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Introduction (approximately 100 words)
Explain your topic.
State the specific question that you are addressing.

Presentation of an Argument
Describe the non-scholarly source (e.g., an op-ed, newspaper article, website, etc.) on one side of the issue.
Summarize the key points made (approximately 50 words).
Present what you see as the main argument from that source. Make sure to present your argument in standard form, with the premises listed above the conclusion. (approximately 100 words)
Evaluate the quality of the reasoning in this source (approximately 200 words)
In completing your evaluation, consider assessing how well the research supports the premises of the main argument and how strongly the reasoning supports the conclusion of that argument.

Presentation of an Argument on the Other Side of the Issue
Describe the non-scholarly source on the opposite side of the issue.
Summarize the key points made. (approximately 50 words)
Present what you see as the main argument from that source. (Make sure to present your argument in standard form, with the premises listed above the conclusion.) (approximately 100 words)
Evaluate the quality of the reasoning in this source (approximately 200 words)
In completing your evaluation, consider assessing how well the research supports the premises of the main argument and how strongly the reasoning supports the conclusion.

225 Words  1 Pages
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