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Using Personality Theories to Analyze Cases

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Purpose: To analyze case studies using personality theories

- cover sheet
- abstract--brief at this point
- content: at least 5 pages of content
- references: use hard copy sources

First choose case studies (2 or more) from

- Ashcraft, D. Personality theories workbook.
- a book
- a television show
- a movie

Choose 2 theorists you would like to use to analyze these cases:

- Freud
- Jung
- Adler
- etc

Use the following headings to outline your paper (see Sample Paper attached).

Name of Case 1: Description
Name of Case 1: Theorist 1 Explanations
Name of Case 1: Summary
Name of Case 2: Description
Name of Case 2: Theorist 2 Explanations

Sample Headings:

Steve: Description
Steve: Freud’s Explanations
Summary of Steve
Bob: Description
Bob: Jung’s Explanations
Use key concepts from each theorist to analyze your cases.

Use the workbook, textbooks, journal database.
References must be accessible and real. 

164 Words  1 Pages
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