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Post-modernism - What sort of challenges do post-modern thinkers pose to traditional concepts of knowledge? How seriously should we take the most-modern challenge? (Discuss with reference to Jean-Francis Lyotard and Michel Foucault and other postmodern o

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Post-modernism - What sort of challenges do post-modern thinkers pose to traditional concepts of knowledge? How seriously should we take the most-modern challenge?  (Discuss with reference to Jean-Francis Lyotard and Michel Foucault and other postmodern or contemporary thinkers)

At least 5 academic sources (peer-reviewed journal articles or textbooks)!

The following learning outcomes are assessed in this task:
•    Formulate and convey views on complex and ethical issues and abstract concepts, making use of sound reasoning, systematic argument and credible evidence.
•    Describe and evaluate how key philosophical ideas interrelate with historical and cultural contexts.
•    Identify relevant and credible evidence and academic sources to support or refute ideas in their chosen field of study. 
- include explanations of the specific aspect; perceived strengths and weaknesses/opinions; comparisons and differences with other countries.

Very Very Simple ENGLISH please.

147 Words  1 Pages
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