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Whole Life Concept Proposal

Whole Life Concept Proposal

This memorandum provides my proposal for my future whole life model project report. To put a balance between my learning and working ethics is one of the greater concerns. The new company where am attached have high expectations from me as I am fresh from college thus I have to gain practical experience on network engineering skills. I will be fully involved in a number of tasks that involve scheming, implementing and sustaining the control systems in the petrol chemical firm.

 Success is measured by how well we utilize our time and thus I have decided to manage every single opportunity. Since one of my goals is to ultimately have my own cyber security plant I have to have a knowhow on how to use Cisco’s skills on cyber security. In attaining all the skills needed in this line of engineering and actually establishing my own cyber firm that’s how I will know that I have succeeded.

Individual study is important for me but I am more effective while working in a group. I therefore purpose on attending another one internship program in the same company so as to be able to work with the team of engineers who are experts in all these cyber security skills, programming and database management knowledge.

Personally, I believe that for me to be effective in a group I have to do more of personal study and research at an individual level. Therefore  have gone further to search on the highly prioritized skills in any computer engineering and that’s where I have found out that programming, network protocol basics and database management skills are so important. Then it’s when I can engage in a group so that I can be able to contribute and also be able to grasp any of new ideas as well as those points I might have missed during my personal study.

My knowledge of the amount of writing has changed significantly and has even changed my perception from the misconception that engineering is mainly involved with math. I have experienced that there is so much of writing in the engineering lessons as well as any engineering career. I have thus learnt a lot on writing some technical reports instructions and memos so as to communicate significant information and in using both the hardware and the software.

Since am working along with both chemical and mechanical engineers who are my seniors I need to have the best communication skills needed so that I can be able to address their issues and be able to run the control system effectively.

I am so glad to be part of this company as it has enabled me to learn more on how to manage my time, how to use writing skills in this profession and how to work effectively in a group.




473 Words  1 Pages
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