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Max Weber, power and the film 'Capitalism: A love story'

Max Weber, power and the film 'Capitalism: A love story'

            Michael Moore is regarded as a broadminded producer as who is subjective and a criticizer who always criticizes the issues that the united States face. His production on a love story is not in exclusion as it is one of the informative stories that provide us with some of the reality of the economic as well as capitalism system (In Snee & In Benson 2015). It therefore clearly, sarcastically and practically demonstrates how these issues resulted to consequences that are still affecting the citizens in a negative manner even up to date. There is that price that these citizens have to pay for being in a capitalist state. Thus this film is one of the best sources of information that offers us with adequate as well as reliable and clear message on capitalism side that would not be available as people who support it would not want to inform the people about it. This paper therefore will have an in-depth discussion on capitalism, the justification given to it and some of the problems that are associated with it as demonstrated by Michael Moore on the film, a love story.

            The film was established during that moment when the United States and the global world were facing an economic crisis in the year 2009. This is where the American citizens showed their control and their need to impose change since they believed that the republicans had caused an economic recession. Michael therefore discusses on the status of the Americans economy as well as the greed that the entrepreneurs which had the ability to ruin the poorest with an aim of making themselves rich. His production thus follows the incidents of a number of families who have been faced with eviction simply because they were unable to pay their debts. He then tracks the finances and to amazement he finds the organizations that are responsible for this misery on the poor (In Snee & In Benson 2015). It is thus in this case that we are able to discover that everything is not the way we may view or think they are and thus the big dream of the Americans that seemed to exist is not in existence and it will unfortunately not be able to exist. Thus it is so saddening that the Americans idea on nobility, struggle, hope, hard work and determination goal to achieve what they want is all not true as all they have to contribute to these organization’s profits.

            This film is thus very important n the modern history as it will enhance the Americans to open their eyes and be able to understand them to view things the way they are and no the way they seem to be. In this case, they will be able to understand the effects of capitalism in their nation. Michael thus exposes what the politicians may not be willing to expose on the economic system since they are the winners (In Snee & In Benson 2015). The love in the past seemed entirely innocent and there was a price that was to be paid. This hence resulted to unemployment cases, high poverty rates and more wealth for the rich.

            It is thus important to note that capitalism is not in any way he best way for all of us to follow as it is not in any case a love story as there is so much negativity that comes along with it. This love is therefore not true but rather hypocritical as it favors only a small group of people who are in power leaving others rot in poverty. Therefore capitalism is all but a fake love for the US citizens.







In Snee, B. J., & In Benson, T. W. (2015). Michael Moore and the rhetoric of documentary.



639 Words  2 Pages
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