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Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Answer Discussion question 1, (150 word count for the discussion question) and Answer Discussion question 2 (150 word count for the discussion question) 

1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Do you think the list of human rights in the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” is sufficient?  Are there any you would add to the list?

2. Care Ethics

How does care ethics differ from utilitarianism?  Do you prefer one to the other?  Which one is right?  How would you apply each of these to the question of abortion?

How the teacher will Grade the Discussion Argument) 1. Argument for position is strong and persuasive and (make SURE YOU Be sure that you don’t forget to ask the class a question related to something observed) 2. Argument is well-ordered (each idea clearly follows the next) and is articulated clearly 3. Considers most relevant objections and makes convincing and significant responses 4. Very clear that readings were understood and incorporated well into responses 5. (USE References and Citations are accurate) 6. Relates the issue to prior material covered in the course 7. Asks questions that extend the discussion and makes insightful, critical comments 8. Post contains no or almost no grammatical errors 9. Make sure you cite your work

216 Words  1 Pages
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