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Ideology and hegemony

  • Ideology and hegemony
  • According to (Pfister735) ideology pertains to those beliefs and values that are systematically connected to each other in most cases reinforced by the power in the society. In order for the ideologies to become powerful in the society they must exhibit at least four features comprehensive, consistent, plausible and at the same time useful. The Romans were believed to employ the ideology to in order to ensure obedient of other people in the society. In relation to this the Romans had set theories that were developed by their own politicians where every citizen was required to have unanimous agreement about socials, religious, and political norms. In addition the Romans had also endowed the ideal of an eternal empower with a certain currency. This acceptance of ideology helped to minimize the rebellion of the authority.  
  • Pfister (735) notes that homogeny is how the dominant class in the society presents their definition of reality and view to the world in such as way that it is not only acceptable to the lower classes but it also seen as common sense. Communicative competence is one of the features that are accepted as a desirable factor without any questions and those who have it are seen as the dominant members of the society. Anyone who does not agree with common sense view of the world resides in the margin of the society. Hegemony is therefore in most cases exercised through force and consent without one dominating the others. Individuals who are subjected to hegemony actually believe that they will somehow benefit from the common sense view of the world where domination is not necessarily imposed but upon them but instead enacted through their consent domination.
  • Considering of communicative competency it is evident that in most entails not only the knowledge of how to use the language but also how to execute the language learnt appropriately. Intercommunication competency is a hegemonic tool that creates a feeling of fear and desire. Those people who are not in the dominant culture in most cases are afraid of they will not be able to obtain what they desire so much to be acceptable as normal. In order for one to be able to interact in a new culture there is need for one to learn how various arguments are supported and knowledge is determined. In non-intercultural interactions the advice of being competent is also emphasized. One example is how women are considered incompetent dating partners since they are unable to synchronize men during dating. Societal norms in most cases also confirm to unrealistic gender expectations for instance how men in most cases dictate how the conversation should go and women are supposed to follow accordingly.
  • Hegemonic formulations can also refers to the prevailing commonsense formed in the culture, diffused by the civic institutions that inform values, customs and spiritual ideals and induces spontaneous consent of the status quo. In addition Gramsci also argues that hegemony can also include the economic behavior where the social goals are proposed to become the collective consciousness (Lentner736).
  • Reference
  • Pfister, Raven. "Communicative Competence: A Useful Concept or a Product of Hegemony?." Conference Papers -- National Communication Association (January 2009): 1. Communication & Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed November 4, 2013).
  • Lentner, Howard H. "Hegemony and Autonomy." Political Studies 53, no. 4 (December 2005): 735-752. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed November 4, 2013).
562 Words  2 Pages
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