Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering;
From among the following philosophers and philosophies of human nature, choose one and critique his work which we studied and discussed in class: Freud, Schiller, Lorenz, Kierkegaard, Heidegger or Sartre. Remember again that this is an exam not a research paper. You are only allowed to use your class notes, memory and your textbook; Nothing from any outside sources.
Points to remember:
4. Review the work
5. Discuss the positive and negative points in the work
6. Explain why you agree or disagree with his hypotheses and pronouncements
Sources of Human behavior: Scientific Approach
a. Freud and Psychoanalytical Approach
b. Lorenz and Ethological Approach
Sources of Human behavior: Existential Approach
a. Nietzsche and Social Darwinism
b. Kierkegaard and the “Protestant Work Ethic”; Prejudice and chauvinism
Sources of Human behavior: Existential Approach ; The Stoics and Stoicism.
a. Sartre and the twilight of a concept; Current views on Existentialism and Human Behavior
a. Stoics (Epictetus, Seneca, Cicero) and the Stoic approach to Human Behavior; Martyr syndrome revisited