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Socrates is put on trial for impiety and he loses. Is Socrates irreligious or impious? Consider the Socratic view of religion as expressed in the Euthyphro.

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Socrates is put on trial for impiety and he loses.  Is Socrates irreligious or impious?  Consider the Socratic view of religion as expressed in the Euthyphro.  Compare it to what he says about his mission in the Defence Speech (Apology).  What, then, is Socrates’ view of religion?  What is the view of Socrates’ accusers, and how do those views conflict with Socrates’own?  Are both of these religious views normal and reasonable?  Are Socrates’ views in any way a threat to the city?  Are they the basis for a religious charge?  If Socrates was not irreligious, how could the charge, especially interpreted by Meletus as atheism, have convinced the jurors?  Feel free to consider the Crito as well, and any secondary sources

130 Words  1 Pages
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