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While there have been drastic technological and political changes since these texts were published, the insights of Freud and Marx remain central to the development of scholarship on human behavior and social change.

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For the past three weeks we have considered two key thinkers whose ideas have transformed the way we understand the modern social world and our place in it. While there have been drastic technological and political changes since these texts were published, the insights of Freud and Marx remain central to the development of scholarship on human behavior and social change. Clearly, both have strengths and weaknesses as a result of their approaches and due to the limitations of the context in which their work was produced. Nevertheless, your task in this short essay is to pick a side and argue which of these authors you think makes for a more convincing argument for the persistence of contemporary conflicts. Or to put it another way, which of these authors deserves more of our attention today and why? This paper should adopt a scholarly tone (as opposed to reflective writing) and include citations from the text to support your points. Please use a proper citation style (APA or Chicago). And one final note, the way to do well on this type of assignment is to present both sides. While your paper ultimately aims to champion one author over the other, a good argument recognizes that there at least two points of view and that the side you disagree with often makes valid points from time to time.

233 Words  1 Pages
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