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What myths have you heard or read about evolution and what does your textbook and the lecturer say about these myths? (For example, do evolutionists really believe that humans evolved from monkeys?)

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

For this discussion, answer both of the following questions:
What myths have you heard or read about evolution and what does your textbook and the lecturer say about these myths? (For example, do evolutionists really believe that humans evolved from monkeys?)
What biological facts are there to support or disprove evolution? Are there examples of evolution other than in humans? Why do humans and chimpanzees share more biological characteristics than that of any other species?
Please note that the purpose of this discussion is to engage dialog about evolution, not religion. It does not matter whether you support or deny the theory of evolution, but your opinions expressed in this discussion room should be based on human biology and the concepts of natural selection. I highly suggest that you read the chapter and think about the material before commenting in the discussion room and avoid discussion of religion, creation myths, etc. A chance for you to discuss religion and its practices will occur in future modules in the cultural anthropology section of the course.
Understandably, this is a sensitive topic, so please keep an open mind, be polite to other classmates, use the information from the textbook and associated links to answer these questions.

213 Words  1 Pages
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