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Explain in your own words Rachels description of the value of privacy. Provide your own strong argument either in support of, or opposing, Rachels account of the value of privacy.

Topic and Questions We Can Help You To Answer
Paper Instructions:

Write a 3-4 page (12 pt font, double-spaced) paper on  one of the following two topics.
Explain in your own words Rachels description of the value of privacy. Provide your own strong argument either in support of, or opposing, Rachels account of the value of privacy.

Explain, in your own words, Hettinger’s argument’s against the Lockean justification of intellectual property. Adam Moore, in his article entitled "Intellectual Property", offers a reply to this criticism. (Link). Explain Moore’s arguments in defense of the Lockean justification of intellectual property. Who do you think is right and why? (Note: Both articles discuss other justifications for intellectual property, but I want you to discuss only the Lockean justification.)

126 Words  1 Pages
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