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Is it possible to give naturalistic (e.g. biological) definitions of disease and health? Why is it important to think about what constitutes disease and health?

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Paper Instructions:

Is it possible to give naturalistic (e.g. biological) definitions of disease and health? Why is it important to think about what constitutes disease and health?

There is a maximum word limit of 1,000 words. This includes footnotes but not

One Required reading: concepts of health

Additional reading: 
Boorse, Christopher (1977) “Health as a theoretical concept” Philosophy of Science 44:  542–73.

Rachel Cooper (2002) “Disease” Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33: 263-282.

Carel, Havi (2006) “Can I be Ill and Happy?” Philosophia 35: 95-110.

other than this, i am expected to do further research to find more sources and evidence for the essay.

132 Words  1 Pages
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