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How should the critical thinker respond to COVID-19? What fallacies and other mistakes have you noticed in people who are responding to COVID-19 in an irrational way?

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Paper Instructions:

***4 page paper in MLA format on this topic it is for my CRITICAL THINKING PHILOSOPHY COURSE. ****


How should the critical thinker respond to COVID-19? What fallacies and other mistakes have you noticed in people who are responding to COVID-19 in an irrational way?


has to be -Double spaced, 12 pt font, 

-On this topic please use examples from trumps news interviews and his take on cover-19 from the start-present times

-Please include examples from everyones irrational decisions to stock up like its the apocalypse 

-include examples from social media spreading FAKE NEWS/ MISINFORMATION on covid i.e. Instagram influencers trying to give "professional advice" when they shouldn't 

-include examples of people not listening to the social distancing orders 

^^^ so fallacies that cover all these examples / and if u have more ideas. 

148 Words  1 Pages
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