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My Childhood


My Childhood

The amusement park is my home,

Pay attention to the concession stands, thrilling rides, and stunt doubles, they’ll make you go wow

Pay attention to mickey mouses, donald ducks, and silly ol’ goofy's that run the show

Pay attention to the ques of children behind cool Mr. Pop

All patiently waiting for their ice-cold, ice sweet, ice cream treats

Amongst other things, that was once me


Do you smell that?

Sizzling dogs sitting on the grates, and I don’t even hesitate to put them on a rainbow plate

One that already had a burger pizza sandwich with no vegetables of course

Lunch was always my favorite part

I could eat whatever I want, sleep whenever I felt like

Now I have to start my weight, otherwise, it will be too late

To start my race before I lose the path


I rode fear ghost a shady ride that claimed you would die

But I came out alive, more alive than ever before

With joy, glamor, and thrill written all over my face

The sound of fun was yet to fade

I could not define sorrows as they never knocked on my doors

I could smell a bright future


Aimlessly wandering through the arcade,

Me and my friends found a machine called a crusade

A shooting game where we killed stupid zombies

We’d then waste more money playing 2 on 2 air hockey

Nobody told us about tomorrow


Today I stand here helplessly,

My good friends are long gone I’m left with agony

The future is tough and rough I miss my past

My world is full of tears and joy long gone.


274 Words  1 Pages
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