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Greco Roman City

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Paper instructions:

Hello need this done on Corinth .Must have these books Roetzel: pp. 76-78; 90-110 Bell: pp.185-213; 221-249 Bell, A. (1998). Exploring the New Testament world. Nashville, TN: T. Nelson Publications. Roetzel, C. J. (2002). The world that shaped the New Testament. (Rev. ed.). Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press. Please write a Philippi and a Corinth Identify how specific history and cultural context of a Greco-Roman city illumines the New Testament text. The New Testament contains numerous letters written to specific people in specific cities. The author of the letter assumes that his audience lives in the culture of the city and knows some of its history. If we know a city’s history and culture, it will unlock the meaning of the letter in a much richer way. : Greco-Roman City Meet with your fellow students in the team forum visible in your course. Your facilitator will have posted a roster of the team members within each team forum. You will work together in groups of four to develop a city overview. Your group may choose to present an overview of either Philippi or Corinth. You are free to creatively report your findings in the way that will be most clearly understood, giving insight into the history, culture, religious, and political life of the city. The material must be presented with maximum clarity and accuracy. Note: this project will require outside research, including such materials as articles, monographs, and biblical commentaries.

252 Words  1 Pages
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