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The Master Plan of Evangelism

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Book Critique from an Evangelical Christian perspective:

Write a 5–7-page summary and critique of "The Master Plan of Evangelism"

The summary must focus on summarizing the main ideas and significant themes in the book, as well as providing an account of the author’s overall purpose in writing. 

The summary section of the paper must be no more than 2 pages. 

The critique section must contain a well-thought-out critical interaction with the author’s thesis and the main points of the argument he presents in the book.

The critique must present the strengths and weaknesses, as well as an overall evaluation of the book. The critique section of the paper must be at least 4 full pages.

In addition to these requirements, the paper must have a proper introduction and conclusion and follow the structure of a standard academic essay. Current Turabian format must be used, and the paper must contain at least 5 cited references to the book.

166 Words  1 Pages
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