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a project that creatively constructs an “autobiographical” reflection of a victim and a perpetrator of an historical instance of religion and violence. Paired with another classmate, students are each expected to consult historical, social, and religious academic sources (each student is expected to consult a minimum of 3 academic sources in order to complete their share of the project. An academic source constitutes a published book or a chapter/article in a book; a peer reviewed article in an accredited academic journal; an encyclopaedia, etc.) in order to construct their respective autobiographical reflection. (Sources are to be cited in-text throughout the assignment.) For example, if a pair decides to focus on the early modern witch hunts, one student would construct the “autobiographical” reflection of an accused witch, while the other student would construct the “autobiographical” reflection of an inquisitor. In both cases, the goal is to provide a creative construction that helps to flesh out the instance of religion and violence under discussion. Toward that end one could ask: typically, who was a witch/inquisitor? How old were they? Where did they come from? What was their ethnic background? What was their occupation? What was their social class? What were the peculiar political, economic, or material forces that affected their life? What was their religion? What did they believe? How did they act on these beliefs? Who were their friends? Who were their enemies? And how does all this information help us to comprehend the feelings, thoughts, motivations, and actions of the people involved? Finally, each project is to conclude with a comparison and contrast between the two “autobiographical” reflections in search of basic insights about the instance of religion and violence under study. To be clear, each student is to submit their contribution to the project under their own name except for the concluding section of the project which is to a joint effort. Total length of the assignment is to be 2400 words with approximately 900 words for each autobiographical reflection (worth 65% of the grade) and 600 words for the comparison (for 35% of the grade)

357 Words  1 Pages
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