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John wrote to seven churches about their relationship to Christ and each other. John’s relevant words still ring true today. Write a 2-3 pages paper analyzing the letters to the seven churches and their application to today’s church.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

John wrote to seven churches about their relationship to Christ and each other. John’s relevant words still ring true today. Write a 2-3 pages paper analyzing the letters to the seven churches and their application to today’s church. 

To maximize your grade for the content, ensure that you include the following elements in the presentation:

⎯    Examination of advice to each church (compare and contrast).
⎯    Analysis of churches that received praise vs. churches that received admonishment from John.
⎯    Provide three outside references.
⎯    Conclude the paper with lessons today’s church can learn from the letters.

106 Words  1 Pages
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