Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer
Please answer the questions only. Do not copy the answers on the finished product.
Use the books listed to answer the below questions:
Knight, G. W. (2001). A Simplified Harmony of the Gospels. Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers.
Pages 34-35, 47-48, 52-55, 73- 75, 91-96
In Jesus' first miracle, why was it bad for the bride groom to run out of wine?
In Jesus' first miracle, why did Jesus not want to do the miracle his mother had requested?
Signs and wonders indicate two different responses to miracles. What are they?
Book 2
Miller, S. M. (2009). The Jesus of the Bible. Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Publishing, Inc.
Pages 136-152, 234-251
What is a miracle?
What three reasons did Jesus not want to do what his mother asked?
What was the response of his disciples after his first miracle?
The seven miracles listed by John reveals Jesus' power. What did Jesus have power over or power to do?
What were the three largest categories of healing?
What did the Jews believe about sin and sickness? What was Jesus' response?
Why did Jesus do miracles?
What was so important about the feeding of the 5,000?
Why did Jesus' hometown reject him?
In the story of the wedding at Cana, what clues are there that Mary was more than a simple guest?