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explain and evaluate your understanding of what Buddhism means to you from a practitioner's perspective

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Paper Instructions:

You have two options for this paper:

1. Evaluate a movie that in your opinion, has Buddhist elements in it.

2. explain and evaluate your understanding of what Buddhism means to you from a practitioner's perspective based on what you have learned in this course.

Please consider the following:

•    The paper should be 5-6 pages in length.

•    The paper must contain at least three sources besides the text, all of which must be peer-reviewed and Work Cited should follow MLA format.

•    Develop ideas through careful explanations that are supported by reliable, relevant, and appropriate research. Support claims and explain rather than assert. Provide support by using academic sources.

•    Engage the reader with an insightful approach to the subject through a clear presentation of thoughts and ideas.

•    The quality of writing should flow smoothly and reasonably from a clear thesis. Develop ideas and concepts in a clear and organized way. The main ideas should flow consistently throughout the essay, include surrounding supporting evidence.

178 Words  1 Pages
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