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why malaria is an issue in less developed countries.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

you will create a research paper based on a given topic and demonstrate your ability to write fluently about a geographic topic. 
The research questions require a minimum of five (5) academic references. Of the 5 references at least three references must be peer-reviewed journal articles. Marks will be deducted if you do not have three peer-reviewed articles properly referenced in APA format in your references list.  Three is the required minimum to not fail the references section. Note that if you would like full marks on the quality of the references, you will need to substantially exceed the required minimums. All ideas that come from a source MUST be cited in APA format. In text citation and referencing are taken very seriously in this course.
Poverty stricken areas are disproportionately affected by most diseases. This research essay is an examination of the relationship between malaria and poverty. Using at least five contemporary academic sources (including a minimum of three peer-reviewed journal articles), write an essay that explains three reasons why malaria is an issue in less developed countries. 
Note: the latitude is not a factor to be discussed. You may discuss one physical geography issue (e.g. climate), but the other two issues (or all three issues) must relate to the human geography aspects (social, cultural, economic, political, etc reasons for the high incidence of malaria in less developed countries). 
At the end of your answer to this question, you should have a list of references (at least five academic sources in APA format). Your answer should be between 1200-1500 words.
The essay should include an introduction, a thesis statement that explains your argument and the three issues, the body of your essay that discusses the issues, and a conclusion that re-states the thesis statement and summarizes each of the three issues. 

314 Words  1 Pages
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