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The origin and transport of anorthosites and Rapakivi granites in the Proterozoic

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The origin and transport of anorthosites and Rapakivi granites in the Proterozoic

A number of works are done in regards to rapakivi granites and anorthosites (or anorogenic Rapakivi granites) in the past and they are found to be fairly restricted to a certain amount of time.Their geochemistry, petrographic studies, deformation patterns were studied thoroughly but most of the researchers could not give good formation models. The ultimate formation models for these are lacking. The big questions here are: i) How do these anorthosites (or anorogenic Rapakivi granites) form? ii) Do they only form during a window in the Proterozoic? iii) Is there an association or relationship between lunar anorthosites and terrestrial anorthosites? Line spacing must be 1(single).

129 Words  1 Pages
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