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What two main factors make an air pollutant emitted indoors usually much more serious from a health standpoint than when the same quantity of pollutant is emitted outdoors?

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Question 1 
What two main factors make an air pollutant emitted indoors usually much more serious from a health standpoint than when the same quantity of pollutant is emitted outdoors? 

Question 2
Explain why the definition of exposure presented in this chapter can apply to both human and nonhuman species — plants and animals — and even to inanimate objects, such as buildings. Give several examples of nonhuman targets besides those mentioned in this chapter. 

Question 3:
Suppose a woman takes a multi-vitamin pill containing 10 mg of zinc. The volume of the pill is 200 mm^33. What is the exposure concentration of zinc in mg/mm^3 and in mg/m^3? Please show all work. 

124 Words  1 Pages
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