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Suppose you were hiking along a stream or lake and became thirsty. Would it be safe to drink the water? In many cases, it wouldn't. Contaminants affect fresh water on or beneath Earth's surface. Though the sources of these contaminants vary, all can make

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Suppose you were hiking along a stream or lake and became thirsty. Would it be safe to drink the water? In many cases, it wouldn't. Contaminants affect fresh water on or beneath Earth's surface. Though the sources of these contaminants vary, all can make water unfit to drink if they are allowed to increase beyond safe limits.

In this lab, you will:

Analyze the tests results of water samples from a variety of fresh water sources. 
Determine how to treat the water samples to make them safe to drink.

100 Words  1 Pages
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