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Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Outlines what nanomaterials and nanotechnology are and explain why this
field of scientific and technological innovation has grown rapidly
 Explains how the application of specialised Nanomaterials and nanotechnology·
have been applied to address specific problems or issues, for example: The use
of silver nanoparticles in socks to inhibit the growth of bacteria and stop the
socks becoming smelly.
 Discusses and evaluates the implications of using nanomaterials and·
nanotechnology. There is growing concern that products with nanomaterials are
being introduced before these effects have been fully investigated.
 Shows excellent research from a variety of information sources with complete·
in text citation of fully documented APA references. Show consistently applied
scientific language to communicate your understanding clearly and precisely

128 Words  1 Pages
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