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Forrest Gump

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Paper Instructions:

My instructions were: Your assignment is to write a 1,000-word analytical movie review over a movie on the AFI's Top 100 Inspirational Films.  
In the introduction, provide the production facts of the movie, such as when it was produced; producer & director; major actors; awards; financial success; screenwriter.  Provide a brief plot summary in 4-5 sentences.  Conclude the introduction with a thesis statement, revealing two or three characteristics of the film that create its inspirational quality.
In the body, develop two or three major sections of thought and in each of these discuss the element that increased the inspirational value of the movie, such as the plot; casting; acting; musical score; cinematography; based on true story; theme.  Give examples from the movie of points of inspiration.  If you did not find the film inspirational, you can discuss what is lacking in the movie.
In the conclusion, provide a "pitch" for audience to see or not see the film.  
You may write this essay in first person.  
I chose Forrest Gump as my movie.

185 Words  1 Pages
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