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Fear and Loathing

Revolution season 2(Fear and Loathing)

Part 1

This is an episode that sees most of the main characters in unpredictable circumstances after the “happy endings” events and a scramble for a way out. The characters Connor and Monroe find themselves in the worst position similar to the one after the dangerous end of their casino attack and they are now at the mercy of Gould the casino owner. After Gould has found out their true identities, that mercy becomes unreliable. Sensing an opportunity to make profits, he suggests a proposal for a no-holds-barred fight for the two where the victor would walk in one pierce out of the camp and the loser would not walk again anywhere. Monroe however had to train his son how to fight with a sword and confesses about his poor vision in his left eye. Conor does not want to fight at first but is told by Monroe that he had his mother killed after she was dragged her into a gunfight. Conor gets very angry. As the episodes unfolds, Tom threatens to kill Julia if he does not deliver Monroe. In New Vegas, Monroe is given five soldiers by Duncan who will only take orders from Charlie. At the end of the episode we see Aaron, who has kills the Nanites with a virus, waking up in bed with Priscilla (Eric, 2012).

Part 2

Gould who is a 48 years male shows his aggression when he arranges a death match between Connor and Bass and his plan to shoot both Monroes if  either of them was to pull their punches. He also orders the capture of both Bass, Connor and Charlie by men. Connor who is a male does not want to fight but violence and aggressiveness is shown when he gets angry after being told how his mother was killed after being dragged into a gunfight. Charlie a 28 years old female demonstrate her aggressiveness when she stabs the Monroes’ assassins with a knife (Eric, 2012).

Part 3

The show uses aggression and violence to bring out continued captivity and to draw out details that are interesting, especially the fact that Sebastian Monroe is becoming a tragic hero. The writer aims at making Monroe drive the majority of the plot that involve hiding out as a fighter ,recovering from his execution and leading a mission to recover his son who has been lost for long. If the writer did not use aggression he would take the plot away from Monroe.

Part 4

Exposure to media violence is one of the many factors that can cause desensitisation in people by contributing to an aggressive behaviour. Research has found that exposing people to media violence can desensitize them to the real world violence and that the media violence becomes enjoyable such that it does not cause anxious arousal, something which is expected after seeing the imageries. The violence may also have significant desensitisation effect on children. After watching the violent imageries, they become less sensitive to pain and suffering others are undergoing, they may be fearful of their surrounding and may even start adopting aggressive or harmful behaviour towards other people (American Psychological Association, 2016).



Eric Kripke (2012). Revolution (TV series)

American Psychological Association (2016). Television and Video Violence. Retrieved from:




551 Words  2 Pages
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