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The Gleaners and I

 The Gleaners and I


            The Gleaners and I film was released in the year 2000, and it was directed by Agnes Varda. She tends to emphasize filmmaking and to set up of arts that focus on documentary realism, social commentary and feminist matters using filmmaking styles. The gleaners were picking potatoes which were leftovers after the harvest and Varda showed the world how recycled items could be used to create art. The Gleaners and I movie show how big things such as art can be made through garbage which many views as worthless. The film is presented poetically and in of forms of documentary, and the movie is categorized as a political and stylish.   

            In the gleaners and l film, both the camera and the gleaning were reflected in the movie. The film shows how the gleaning process has made significant changes over the year. During the 19th century, gleaning was seen by people as a way of harvesting where women would combine and glean in the land. Today things have changed, and those who go checking and picking the leftovers are poor and homeless individuals, and it has become unacceptable in France. Also, it has come to the point where the artist who wants to make arts from leftovers must go out and search to be able to create such arts. Ms.Varda was interested, skeptical and caring observer. The film is both a diary and also an essay that shows scarcity, thrift and strange places of many parts of the France history and culture. The patrons of a provision bar showed that there was a significant difference between picking and gleaning (Varda, 2000)

            The Gleaners and l movie shows Agnes using a handheld digital camera to capture images thus benefiting the film to be valuable and also her sentiment. With the new tool, it made work easy and she was able to film herself and even at the same time she was involved as a filmmaker. On the highway where the trucks were passing, Ms.Vadar used a thumb and forefinger to capture the images before they move. When she was filming a project about a children’s art education which involved turning garbage into art, she wondered when will the play end and when art will start (Varda, 2000). The gleaner and I was the first movie Vadar shot using a digital camera. Using a digital camera made her work easier and quicker. In the film, Vadar is seen praising her mini DV camera saying it is incredible and her shooting work was of good quality. The camera eliminated the barriers between the observer and the movie. The camera was introduced at the start of the movie thus treating it as one of her subjects considering that she used it as co-gleaner which captures pictures for the film.   

            In conclusion, in the film, we see various kinds of gleaning such as artistic gleaning where individual pick ideas, images, and emotion from different people and then create a movie from it. The Gleaners and I film have shown how the gleaning process has made progress over the years.  Ms.Varda sees herself as a gleaner in her ways, and she could capture images and stories from the world surrounding her. She views that the things or lives that people find worthless are valuable and beautiful.










Varda, A. Gleaners and I. (2000). IMD. Retrived from:

570 Words  2 Pages
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