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Themes and Cinematography

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Paper Instructions:

Select a movie from AFI’s 10 Top 10 (attached),  lists and explain how three cinematic techniques and/or design elements have helped establish a major theme in that film. Key terms attached as well.

In 800 to 1200 words

Describe a major theme of the movie you have selected using evidence from the movie itself as well as course resources and other scholarly sources to support your position.
Identify at least three techniques (cinematography, lighting, acting style, or direction) and/or design elements (set design, costuming, or hair and makeup), and explain how these techniques and/or design elements contribute to the establishment of the theme. Reference particular scenes or sequences in your explanations.
State your opinion regarding the mise en scène, including
How the elements work together.
How congruent the design elements are with the theme of the movie.
Whether or not other techniques would be as effective (Explain your reasoning).
Note: Remember that a theme is an overarching idea that recurs throughout the plot of a film. It is the distilled essence of what the film is about, the main design which the specific scenes and actions lead a viewer to understand.

Your paper should be organized around a thesis statement that focuses on how the elements of your chosen feature-length film both establish and maintain one of its major themes.

229 Words  1 Pages
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