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Watch the movie about the story about the 1958 Kikkik trial

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Assignment Topic: The Kikkik Trial Movie Review Watch the movie about the story about the 1958 Kikkik trial. The trial took place in 1958 and the movie illustrates the treatment of Indigenous peoples by the Canadian justice system at that time. While the legal outcome of the trial was good, the larger systemic harms suffered by the Ahiramiut were ignored by the justice system. In yourself discuss the movie and then write a review. Remember the examination of worldviews, and consider the clash of worldviews in the movie. The review should critically analyse the elements of justice and injustice encountered by Kikkik not only in the courtroom, but throughout the period discussed in the movie. Situate your discussion in the broader topics of colonialism and assimilation, and in how the Indigenous worldview of justice was disrupted. To begin the assignment, as you watch the movie, you will make a list of incidents which you see as a clash of worldviews. A comparison and discussion of these lists will form the basis of your written assignment. You will collectively write a review of between 550 words. Use proper APA citation format. Required Resources: (Movie Link) Gjerstad, O. & Karetak, E. (Producer). (2000). Kikkik [Video]. Retrieved from Please follow my instructions and thank you.

223 Words  1 Pages
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