- Why is Robert Gardner’s cinema “sensory cinema”? Explain what “sensory cinema” is and how it applies to Gardners cinema style. In which way is Gardner, like Vertov, integrating fragments of experiences into thematic reality, or in Vertov the sense of “film reality/truth”. (1page)
A sensory cinema is an enjoyable cinema which is watched by people in safe environments. It is described as the one involving scientific principles, fiction and technology in its making. Robert Gardner uses Sensory cinema in observing ways in which the community is crude in its ways though pretending to be right. He shows how the crude behavior of the community which he has observed for some time. Vertov also shows how the community has hidden the bad virtues. Sensory cinemas are therefore used to show how different communities hide the bad virtues (Ruby, 2000). Sensory cinemas are at times referred to as observation cinemas since they are used to observe and criticize the bad virtues of different societies. People continue to do their businesses without necessarily seeing the cameras which at the end of it all captures the activities of the people. The anthropologic sensory cinemas are used to describe human feeling towards the particular society. It portrays the reality and sometimes imagination and observations. Robert Gardner found sensory cinemas useful after his anthropological research to show how cultural aspects affect people living in the society (Ruby, 2000). The cinemas as portrayed by Gardner are used to show cultural activities, importance of culture and cultures which have disappeared and reasons for the disappearance. They are used to capture ideas of those anthropologists on how to maintain the cultures. The sensory cinemas film different cultures and show importance of cultural diversity. This is seen in Vertov work that shows the effectiveness of culture and ways of reducing conflicts in the society. Sensory cinemas are therefore important in many universities as they spread cultural diversity (Ruby, 2000). Sensory films are used to show sensitivity of a culture and ways of respecting a particular culture as shown by both Gardner and Vertov.
Ruby .J 2000 Picturing Culture the University of Chicago Press. (pg95-180)