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Star Wars movie

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Your assignment is to watch one Star Wars movie and write a short reaction to the music. While I think this assignment is easier if you watch one of the original three movies (Episode IV: A New Hope, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, or Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi), you may complete this assignment with any of the currently available Star Wars videos (including Episode I: A Phantom Menace, Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Episode III: Return of the Sith, or Episode VII: The Force Awakens).
After you have watched the opera, please write a short reflection upon your experience. Reflections should be well written, approximately 400-700 words long. Please answer the following questions. (Note: there are no right or wrong answers, but full credit will be received only for well written and thoughtful responses).
Did paying particular attention to the music enhance your enjoyment of the movie? Why or why not?
Describe at least two (2) different leitmotif themes used by John Williams in the movie. What does each leitmotif represent? How does the theme change throughout the movie?
What was your favorite musical moment in the movie?
Do you think the movie would be as successful without the music? Why or why not?

220 Words  1 Pages
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