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Bohemian Rhapsody for Symphony Orchestra and Solo Viola: Watch on YouTube

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Paper Instructions:

Bohemian Rhapsody for Symphony Orchestra and Solo Viola: Watch on YouTube 

1.    The title of the event, location, type of performing ensemble(s).
2.    A review of what you saw and heard in the recorded performance. 
a.    It is appropriate to include your observations and opinions.  
b.    Include terminology such as forms, styles, textures, time periods, etc. that we use during the course when discussing your observations.  
c.    You may also include how the music made you feel.
d.    You may discuss what you liked/disliked about the performance.
e.    You may discuss what made it a good/not good performance.
f.    You may include your thoughts about the works themselves-maybe compared to another time you have heard them, if applicable.
g.    Any other information you deem relevant.
3.    If you discuss a particular composer or background information about a particular piece or performing group, you must indicate the source of outside information.

161 Words  1 Pages
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