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Articles Summary

  • 5.1. Overview
  • This chapter integrated 10 articles that are relevant for the research questions. The following is the list of articles chosen for the critique.
  1. Ka Ching Yeung, F., Kee-Lee, C., and Wong, E. H. (2006). Characteristics Associate with Fear of Falling in Hong Kong Chinese Elderly Residing in Care and Attention Homes. Clinical Gerontologist, 29(3), 83-98.
  2. Siu Lun Chow, E., Ming Hei Kong, B., Tak Po Wong, M., Draper, B., Ka Leung, L., Ho, S., and Chun Por, W. (2004). The prevalence of depressive symptoms among elderly Chinese private nursing home residents in Hong Kong. International Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry, 19(8), 734-740
  3. Kee-Lee, C., and Chi, I. (2005). Reciprocal relationship between pain and depression in elderly Chinese primary care patients. International Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry, 20(10), 945-95
  4. Chan, C., and Chui, E. (2011). Association between cultural factors and the care-giving burden for Chinese spousal caregivers of frail elderly in Hong Kong . Aging & Mental Health, 15(4), 500-509
  5. Lee, D. (1999). Transition to residential care: experiences of elderly Chinese people in Hong Kong. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 30(5), 1118-1126.
  6. Abley, C. (2012). Responding to vulnerability in old age: patient-centered care. Nursing Standard, 27(9), 42-46
  7. Bergland, A. (2012). Fall risk factors in community-dwelling elderly people. Norsk    Epidemiologi, 22(2), 151-164
  8. Chui, E. (2001). Doomed Elderly People in a Booming City: Urban Redevelopment and Housing Problems of Elderly People in Hong Kong. Housing, Theory & Society, 18(3/4), 158-166
  9. Melby, V., and Ryan, A. (2005). Caring for older people in prehospital emergency care: can nurses make a difference?. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 14(9), 1141-1150
  10. Gao, L., Chan, S., and Cheng, B. (2012). The past, present and future of nursing education in the People's Republic of China: a discussion paper. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 68(6), 1429-1438
  • The reason for choosing these articles was because they addressed on the major issues concerning the frail elderly in the society and this was the major topic of my research. These were majorly journals and not books. This is because the journals were more recent and had a clear format which would facilitate a proper platform to review the major aspect addressed by the author/researcher. They journals were also plenty in the electronic databases such as EBESCO-host. The method used in critiquing the articles was both inclusion and exclusion. The critique is also linked to the literature review following the fact that the issues that the articles have failed to incorporate will be recommended for future research. The critique also provides a summary of the critical issues under study determining what the researcher did best and what they failed in, so that the research being undertaken can address all the requirements as required in the literature review.
  • The critic for each article is indicated in the appendix while the summary of the critic is indicated as follows
  • Summary of the articles
  • After a comprehensive review, the article written by Abley, C. (2012), indicated in appendix 1.6 presents a well presented topic on the vulnerability of the elderly as well as patient centered care. However, the author fails to incorporate a concise focus that could explain the direction of the research and the reader might have time trying to get the focus of the research. The background of the article is also not clearly presented general background of major issues under research and only provides an overview without emphasizing on the major aspects under investigation and exact place of research. The case of terms of references is not properly represented following the fact that the possible research questions to guide the whole research are not well represented. For an article to properly present the issues of research the issues under investigation should be appropriately explained from the title to the conclusion and recommendation and this implies that overall, the format, or readability of the article will not be as per the expectations of the reader. Despite the fact that the methodology that Abley, C. (2012) incorporates has the ability of facilitating an appropriate technique to facilitate the required results, inappropriate alignment between the research methodology and literature review. This end ups failing to incorporate any graphical representation for a closer review of the results thus the reader cannot have a quick grasp of the research results. Ethical considerations are essential in the research and it is a requirement for the author to state the ethical aspects he/she considered when conducting the research contrary to what Abley, C. (2012) has done. The recommendations are not well arraigned to issues under research and this need to be improved to improve the condition or situation in the society about the elderly persons.
  • In the article by Bergland, A. (2012) represented in appendix 1.7 the review was based on the background as well as terms of references of the article. The findings were that the researcher did not consider properly present the issue of the article as per the pace of research and failed to incorporate all the research questions which would control the direction of the entire research. Despite the fact that the design of the study used is recommendable, it is essential to seek the opinion of the persons involved in the department being researched about in order to determine the level of problem currently before pursuing for the recommendations. In data representation, the reader understands what the researcher got from the research and understand what to expect in terms of recommendation and this is an aspect that Bergland, A. (2012) did not cover appropriately and thus the reader is not in a position to reach for the conclusion of the results. Conclusion incorporates tying the most essential points in accordance to the research carried out as well per the recommendations offered and the research by Bergland, A. (2012) has not comprehensively addressed this issue since the conclusion only gives an overview of what the research is all about and not the major points evident from the research. The effectiveness of the recommendations in the research carried out by different authors is determined through facilitating a case where such option was applied and proved successful or through providing substantial evidence. The article did not address the major implications of research an aspect which is not very essential in facilitating the reader with the executive decision of the researcher on the issues that he/she came across during the research. The researcher should also give other researchers direction on how they can expand the research in future on the side that needs much emphasis on determining the most essential area that future research should cover. Due to failure to incorporate the required aspects in the research, the format of the research is not up to standard and this reduces its quality in terms of readability. The researcher did not present the major issues discussed as well as the methodology, findings, and recommendation in the abstract page thus deviating from the most recommended format of writing a research paper or articles.
  • The article by Chui, E. (2001), represented in appendix 1.8 has a good topic for research but the problem is that the researcher did not consider making it more concise and clear to the reader. The background of the study is well presented and this helps the reader to understand the context of the research as well as where the research is taking place despite of a few issues about the research being undertaken and the reason why it was undertaken. A clear background needs to provide the reasons why a certain research was undertaken for the reader to understand its significance. This made the researcher to miss a proper connection between the methodology and the study design thus messing on the readability as well as the format of the research. For a comprehensive research that covers all the aspect the research is supposed to cover, the researcher needs to connect the methodology together with the study design. Moreover, missing on the representation of data would make the reader miss the quick glimpse of the results facilitated by the research. The reader should be in a position to understand what the conclusion of the findings were through graphs and tables thus having an idea of what the study is supposed to offer in the recommendations. Finally, the failure of the research to incorporate the implication of study missed an essential aspect in the research design due to the fact that the other researchers will not be in a position to understand on the challenges that they might experience when undertaking a similar research.
  • The review of article by Melby, V., & Ryan, A. (2005) represented in appendix 1.9 also presents some problems whereby some of the key aspects are missed from the topic since it was a little bit complicated. The researcher also does not facilitate a substantial background to support the provided topic and this makes him/her to miss the chance of providing the best research question stop guide in conducting the research. Research questions facilitated in the terms of reference are constructed from the connection between three aspects which include the topic of the study, methodology, and research design. Although the researcher did not collect any data, it is essential to ensure that he/she incorporates some graphs or figures to implicate the summary of the research results as seen from other researcher from previously reviewed article who have not also considered incorporating the graphical representation of the key findings of the research. If a researcher aims on investigating a problem in a certain region or organization, the reader expects that the researcher would offer the required recommendations and offer for the explanation on the effectiveness of the recommendations, something that Melby, V., & Ryan, A. (2005) missed in their research explanation. The readability of the article is better considering the fact that the author has deviated from any grammar or spelling mistakes but flow of the article lacks due to lack of clear connection between the major aspects of the research. Implications of research are the final touches which the researcher should also not forget in order to guide the other researchers who want to undertake a similar research.
  • The authors of the article ‘Characteristic Associate with the Fear of Falling in Hong Kong Chinese Elderly Residing in Care Attention Home’ (Ka ching et al., 2006.) has not provided a clear title that can enable one to get information related to the topic of study. The author of the article has managed to provide a good background regarding the topic of study. This background helps to give the reader the insight of the topic to be discussed in the article where it has helped to explain some of the possible causes of fear among the frail elderly in the society. Moreover the authors have used a quantitative data collection method where they have used semi-structured questionnaires. From the finding of the study it was evident that the fear of falling among the frail elderly in the society was mainly due to the chronic injury and lack of body balance. It is important to note that the authors have been able to link the data collected and their finding. The significance of the study can be linked to the fact that the authors have managed to link the fear of falling with lack of proper counseling.
  • With regard to the article ‘The Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms among Elderly Chinese Private Nursing Home Residents in Hong Kong’ (Siu Lun Chow et al., 2004) the author has managed to present a title that is able to explain to the leaders what to expect in the article. The authors of the article have also managed to provide a good background that brings out the necessary information related to the topic of study. In relation to this the authors have presented some data from various studies that were done related to their topic of study. Through giving this background the authors have managed to explain some important issues regarding the topic of study. Considering the terms of reference it was evident that the authors of the articles had sort to explore some of the factors causing high-risk incident among the elderly people living in the private nursing homes. In addition the author of the article has used the quantitative technique was used to collect the data used to analyze the article. Considering the data presented in the article it is evident that the author has managed to present enough data to explain the topic of study. This study was able to indicate that most of the elderly people taken in the nursing homes in most cases undergo depression, which is mainly linked to the poor conditions of the private nursing homes. This research is important since it has managed to present some of the possible challenges that the elderly people undergo when moved to the private nursing homes.
  • The author of the article ‘Reciprocal relationship between pain and depression in elderly Chinese primary care patients’ (Kee-Lee & Chi 2005) has used a very complex title which makes it hard for the readers gain an insight of the proposed study. In this case being a journal in nursing there was need for the author to use mathematical terms in the title of the study. Despite the fact that the author of the article has used a very complex title it is evident that they have managed to present a good background that is able to explain the relationship between the depressions and pain. However it is important to note that it is also not possible to figure out this reciprocal relationship that the authors present in the title of the article. The main aim of the author of this article was mainly to establish the relationship between pain and depressions among the frails elderly in the society. Considering the study design it is evident the author used the qualitative data collection method. The author managed to eliminate any bias in the data collection mainly through ensuring that there was random selection of the participant. Analysis of the data presented in the article it is evident that there was no reciprocal relationship between pain and depression. This therefore implies that the author did not provide sufficient data to back up their argument. Despite not providing enough data to back up their argument it is evident that the article still has some significance in this study since it manages to explain some of the possible causes of depressions.
  • Moreover analysis of the title of the article ‘Association Between Cultural Factors And The Care-Giving Burden for Chinese Spousal Caregivers of Frail Elderly in Hong Kong’ (Chan & Chui, 2011) is a good one since it helps to explain to the reader what he or she might get in the article. In this case therefore the title of the article helps to present some of the possible factors that hinder provision of quality care. Considering the information presented in the background it is evident that the author has managed provide a good historical background especially with regard to the Chinese culture. The author of the article have used structured interview in order to collect the data that is used in this article. Analysis of the finding presented by the author it is evident that the author has managed to link the data collected and the main topic. In this case the authors were able to establish that some Chinese cultures interfere with the provision of care to the frail elderly in the society. This study has a lot of significance since it helps to bring out the possible Chinese culture that needs to be addressed in order to ensure that the frail elderly in the society are provided with the necessary care and support.
  • The author of the article ‘Transition to Residential Care: Experiences of Elderly Chinese People in Hong Kong’ (Lee, 1999)has managed to present a good title that allows reader to gain an insight regarding the issues that the author aims at discussing. Use of a simple title helps to capture the interest of reader. Considering the background presented in the article it is evident that the author has managed to present a good background that explains what factors make the elderly people to opt the residential care homes rather than the home based care. In relation to this through providing a good background the author is able to explain to the various reasons that made him to opt to carry out the study. It is evident through providing a good background the author is able to explain to the reader the various assumptions made in the study. With regard to the finding the author of the article has managed to link the data collected and his argument. In this case the author was able to establish that the elderly people who are taken to the residential care face many challenges. This study is important since the author has managed to propose some of the possible measure that can help to deal with the various problems that the elderly people face when taken in the residential care homes.
  • Considering the article ‘The Past, Present and Future of Nursing Education in the People's Republic of China: A Discussion Paper’ (Gao, Chan, & Cheng, 2012) it is evident that the authors have managed to provide a clear background that explains why they decided to carry out the research. However there is no clear connection on the various factors discussed in the investigation. In this case it is evident that there ought to be a clear connection of the on how these factors led to one another. With regard to the study design it is evident that the author of the article have managed to incorporate a good research question that helped in the investigation of the various issues discussed in the study. The study in the article incorporates the thematic analysis and the narrative synthesis. Use of the secondary source limits the scope of study since the authors only rely on the already published information. However with regard to data presentation it is important to note that the author has managed to present their data using charts and graphs. Finally it is also important to note that the author does not offer substantial recommendation.
  • Appendices
  • Appendix 1.1: Ka Ching Yeung, F., Kee-Lee, C., & Wong, E. H. (2006). Characteristics Associate with Fear of Falling in Hong Kong Chinese Elderly Residing in Care and Attention Homes. Clinical Gerontologist, 29(3), 83-98.
  1. Aim
  • The aim of the study was to indentify the correlation between that the fear of falling in Hong Kong Chinese elderly residing in care and attention homes. According to the author of the article it is evident that the fear of falling has impact on the physical and the psychological well being of an individual especially in the later life.
  1. Background
  • Ka ching et al., (2006) indicates that about 22% of the community-dwelling elderly people aged 65 and above fall once in their lifetime. Falls in Hong Kong had been identified as one of the leading causes of accident in acute care setting. Moreover the author notes that the rates of falling is high for institutionalized elderly people than the community dwelling. In relation to this it has also been established that the fear of falling is common even older persons who have not experienced falls
  1. Methodology
  • A quantitative methodology was adopted in the study. All the participants recruited in this study were taken from the selected care and attention home. The residents included in the study were aged 60 and above who were not suffering from any infectious diseases. In order to ensure that each resident had the required comfort each of the elderly people were provided with a private room a bed and cabinet
  1. Research design
  • College student were recruited in order to conduct face-to-face interview with the respondent using a structured questionnaires. The questions used were close-ended questions. The fear of falling was measured on how the respondent answered the questions
  1. Ethical consideration
  • The ethical consideration was also made since the interviewee in this case was human being. Each of the respondents in the study was first informed on the aim of the study and what is required from them.
  • The research showed that the fear of falling was significantly associated with the self-related health insight, chronic injury, sight and the body balance.
  • The authors of the article note that the age, sight, and injury are the most recent causes of fall among the elderly people in Hong Kong. In addition, the authors of the article also notes that fear of falling some cases causes the elderly people in the society to stay indoors. Finally according to Ka ching et al., (2006) the overall result demonstrates that the fear of falling is linked to the social demographic and the health related factors.
  • From the recommendation presented in the article it is evident that there is need for the planners to implement policies to help in providing counseling services to the frail elderly in the society.   This can   help to reduce the fear related to falls. In relation to there is also need for the health care providers to incorporate counseling programs to the elderly who experience accidents.
  • Appendix 1.2: Siu Lun Chow, E., Ming Hei Kong, B., Tak Po Wong, M., Draper, B., Ka Leung, L., Ho, S., & Chun Por, W. (2004). The prevalence of depressive symptoms among elderly Chinese private nursing home residents in Hong Kong. International Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry, 19(8), 734-740
  • The author of the study aimed at determining the prevalence of the significance depressive symptoms among the a group of Chinese people who were living in the private nursing home
  • The depressive symptoms are common among the elderly people in Japan where it is estimated that the conditions affects 29% of men and 41.1% women. Local data in Hong Kong also indicate that the institutionalized care is the most leading cause of the risk of depression. According to Siu Lun Chow et al., (2004) most of the public care institutions are well funded by the government and therefore they are able to deliver quality services to their clients compared to the private nursing home
  • Terms of reference refers to the statement that the researcher was trying to answer through carrying out the study. In this case the author aimed at establishing the possible factors that were responsible in causing high incident of the risk factors among the elderly people living in private nursing home.
  • The researcher used the qualitative data collection methods where inclusion and exclusion criteria was first established. The Chinese Abbreviated Mental Test Score was used as one of the screening tools. In relation to this all the resident below the age of 65 were excluded from the study.
  • All the participants of the research were first informed on the detailed of the study, in addition all the interviewee were also guaranteed that the information they would give would be kept private and confidential.
  • The research presented the result in a table format where the risk factors, number of depression cases were recorded. The probability of the depression value on the elderly admitted in these private nursing homes was also established.
  • The result from the article indicated that the depressive symptoms were common among the elderly living in the private nursing homes. The physical disabilities as well as the social economic factors were identified as the most leading factors that cause depression among the frail elderly.   The researchers concludes that there is need for the government to commit effort toward ensuring that they continue to fund even the private nursing to ensure that these eldery people are given quality care
  • Analyses of the information presented in the article it is evident that the article has a considerable high readability which allows the reader to understand the information presented in the article
  • 9. implication of the study
  • This study helps in highlighting the importance of the government ensuring that the elderly people in the society. this is because failure of the government to supervise services offered to the elderly living in the   private nursing homes
    • Appendix 1.3: Kee-Lee, C., & Chi, I. (2005). Reciprocal relationship between pain and depression in elderly Chinese primary care patients. International Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry, 20(10), 945-95
  • The author of the article aimed at establishing whether there is any relationship between pain and depression mediated by the social support, functional capacity or withdrawal from the social activities. Another major aim of the author was to establish the link between depression among Hong Kong Chinese elderly primary care patient.
  • Pain and depression is common among the elderly people living either institution or home based care setting. Various study have managed to show that the relationships between pain and depression among the elderly people in the society. Pain in the old age is often accompanied with withdrawal from the social activities. According to chin and Kee-Lee (2005) the social activities are significant in maintaining well being of an individual.
  • Qualitative technique was used in this study. In this case a longitudinal study was conducted for a period of year where the data was collected from the control groups
  • The ethics and research committees of Hong Kong university approved the study design. In relations to this researcher also informed the entire participant their role before commencing with the data collection. In addition the interviewers were also guaranteed that their personal detailed would be held confidential.
  • In order to investigate the relationship between the pain and depressions mediated by the social support the 18 health care centers in Hong Kong were included in the study. The participant in the study were selected randomly in order to avoid data bias during data collection
  • Various statistical data analysis method was applied in order to obtain relationship between the factors under the study. Application of the different statistical technique is one the factor that shows that the study was done in consistent with the scientific procedures.
  • From the study the researchers was able to establish that there is a reciprocal relationship between the pain and depression. From the study it was evident that the impact of pain on depression was statistically significant even adjustment of the age, gender, marital status and the educations levels of an individual. The study also indicated that the participants who were indicated to have pain in most case also had depressions
  • The researchers in this article indicate that there is a considerable relationship between the pain and depression among the elderly people in the society. in this case the author of the article argue that the there   is need for the care providers to ensure that they provide social to care to the elderly in the community to prevent any form of pain which may lead to depression
  • One of the significance of this study is the fact that it help to raise the importance of providing social care and ensuring that the frail elderly in the society are not subjected to inform of pain. This can help to lower the depressions cases among the frail elderly.
    • Appendix 1.4: Chan, C., & Chui, E. (2011). Association between cultural factors and the care-giving burden for Chinese spousal caregivers of frail elderly in Hong Kong . Aging & Mental Health, 15(4), 500-509
  • The objective of this study was to explore the relationships between the cultural factors and the care-giving burden among the Chinese spouse caregivers who provided care to the frail elderly.
  • Therefore this article can help to indicate some of the possible factors that need to be addressed in order to ensure that the frail elderly in the society are given proper care.
  • The authors of article have managed to bring out some of the Chinese culture that interferes with the provision of care to the frail elderly in the society. In relation to this the author has managed to bring out the issue that the division of labor in the family is one of the major factor that hinder provision of quality care to the   frail elderly in the society.
  • The research was based on one time cross-sectional and the data collected through the personal structured interview
  • The authors of the article developed effective tools of collecting data where they has managed to use the traditional Chinese family value to collect information from the care givers in the country.
  • The authors have managed to use the various statistical techniques to analyze their data.   Through their analysis they have been able to demonstrate the normality and skweness of the data.
  • Through their discussion the author has managed to establish that the various cultural factors among the Chinese people interferes with the provision of care to the frail elderly in the community
  • The authors of the article have managed to give good recommendation where they have recommended that there is need for the government to ensure that they educate the young people in the society the need to care for the frail elderly
  • Significance of the study
  • This study is important since it helps to raise some of the negative impact of the Chinese culture in the caring of the frail elderly in the society.
  • Appendix 1.5: Lee, D. (1999). Transition to residential care: experiences of elderly Chinese people in Hong Kong. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 30(5), 1118-1126.
  • Focus
  • The title of the article was a good indicator since it allowed one to establish some expectation about the research.
  • Background
  • The author has managed to provide good background of the study where he has managed to explore the various types of relocations and some of the possible impact of these relocation
  • Terms of reference
  • The goal of the study was to establish the experience that these elderly people face when they move to the residential care centers.
  • Study design
  • The quantitative data collection technique was used where the participants were audio taped during the interview.
  • However it is important to note that the researcher has not provided some brief background of the study design
  • Ethical consideration
  • The researcher has managed to put into consideration the some ethical issues while conducting the study. In this case researcher informed all the participants their   role before collecting data from them
  • Data presentations
  • From article it is evident that the author has not managed to present the data well since he has not provided any table or charts indicating how the data was collected.
  • Main finding
  • The author has managed to present a good finding where he indicates that when the elderly people move to the residential home in most case they are faced with the challenge of adapting to this new environment.
  • Readability
  • The paper is easy to read and understands especially due to the use of some case studies.
  • Implication of the study
  • The study has managed to bring the fact that there is need for health care provider to ensure that they provide social care to the elderly who move to the residential care centers
  • Appendix 1.6: Abley, C. (2012). Responding to vulnerability in old age: patient-centered care. Nursing Standard, 27(9), 42-46
  • Focus
  • The title clearly defines that focus of the research. From the beginning, the reader can understand what to expect and what the author of the article had covered. Despite the fact that the title is clear, the author could have been more concise on what major vulnerability that the old age is facing.
  • Background
  • The background of an article should provide an explanation as to what led the author to choose the topic under study. The author should as well explain the importance and to whom the article is expected to benefit. In this case the author of the article has not provided substantial background in regard the aspects covered in the article. However, the author has incorporated research from local regions thus ensuring that some issues expected to be covered were comprehensively addressed.
  • Terms of reference
  • This entails the criteria for guiding the research focus. It generally the research question that the results and conclusion should provide a concise answer. The abstract of the article contained the research question that the research aimed to justify/answer although the researcher did not make it more clear and concise
  • Methodology
  • Methodology explains the criteria or techniques that the author incorporated in research. In this case, the author has incorporated a review of peer reviewed article including journals that cover similar topic. Although this method facilitates a broader coverage, the researcher also needs to get clearly align the literature review with the overall design of methodology
  • Tool of data collection
  • The researcher incorporated interview which collected the responses of the participants in regard to the field under study. In this case, his method of data collection could not facilitate much result.
  • Ethical considerations
  • Ethical considerations are concerned with aspects that would apply during the data collection process and it generally defines how the researcher ensured the participants were safe and his/her relation with them. The researcher did not consider all the issues such as protecting participants.
  • Data representation
  • After the collection of data, the researcher is required to summaries the results in table and graphs in order to facilitate for a clear comparison. The researcher in this case has not represented all the results in table or graphs
  • Recommendations
  • Although the research is not much problem oriented, the research is supposed to offer his/her thought in terms of recommendations on the appropriate strategies that need to incorporate to improve the situation.
  • Appendix 1.7: Bergland, A. (2012). Fall risk factors in community-dwelling elderly people. Norsk Epidemiologi, 22(2), 151-164
  • Background
  • The author has presented a comprehensive background to support the purpose of the paper. However, the author has only presented the purpose of the research but has not specified a certain region affected by the problem under study.
  • Terms of reference
  • As in many studies, the researchers generally incorporate an overall question that will guide him/her throughout the study however in this case, the researcher has only indicated the reason for the research but has not provided the major research question.
  • Study design
  • Numerous methods exist that can be incorporated in the collection and analysis of data. The researcher in this case has majored on the research conducted by other researchers and in this case, he has appropriately incorporated the reviews although lacks opinions from people in that particular field relating to the topic.
  • Data collection
  • In data collection, the researcher needs to choose the appropriate approach to ensure that he/she collects enough data to facilitate for the required facts to prove the research topic. In this case, the researcher did not incorporate questionnaires or interviews and relied completely on the research conducted by other authors.
  • Data representation
  • Due to the fact that the researcher did not collect any data in the field, there were not graphical representations to give the summary of results. Therefore, even if the researcher used reviews of other articles, he/she should have critics and reasons why they think the data from the article reviewed is correct.
  • Conclusion
  • In the conclusion, the researcher should tie up the themes evident from the research in accordance to the topic under study. However, in this research the author has not presented the points in a concise manner as required for a conclusion.
  • Readability
  • The paper is easy to read and understand only the fact that in the methodology part is complicated sine it does not clearly explain how the data from the sources being reviewed was collected to justify the results.
  • Implications of practice
  • It is clear that the research aimed at analyzing the risk factors facing the elderly in the community but it is more important if a comprehensive research was carried out to determine the most effective strategies that need to be applied to deal with these problems.
  • Appendix 1.8: Chui, E. (2001). Doomed Elderly People in a Booming City: Urban Redevelopment and Housing Problems of Elderly People in Hong Kong. Housing, Theory & Society, 18(3/4), 158-166
  • Title
  • The title of the research should provide the reader with the idea of what to expect after going through the research.
  • Background
  • The background of the study is well presented and this helps the reader to understand the context of the research as well as where the research is taking place. However, the researcher has not incorporated sufficient background for the place where the study is based.
  • Methodology
  • The researcher has incorporated case study as the methodology for the study, and this may not facilitate the right results due to the fact that there is no clear link between the literature review and the methodology.
  • Study design
  • The research has not considered incorporating a major question that would facilitate the guide throughout the research and yet this is an essential aspect in research. Researches that present valid arguments need to ensure that the goals/aims of the research have been achieved
  • Data representation
  • Although the researcher did not collect any data, it is essential to ensure that he/she incorporates some graphs or figures to implicate the summary of the research results. This would make it easier for the reader to get into the point without having to struggle much.
  • Recommendations
  • Despite the fact that every research addressing a certain problem should offer the most appropriate recommendations following the implications of the research, the author of the article has tried to offer some recommendations. However, the effectiveness of the strategies proposed has not been explained.
  • Readability
  • The article has a clear format that the reader can enjoy when reading. However, the author has not considered creating a clear connection between the methodological and the literature review part
  • Implication of research
  • The research has important aspects that can be considered when dealing with the issue of the care of elderly people in the society. However, a future research needs to be incorporated to base on the care management for the elderly in society.
  • Appendix 1.9: Melby, V., & Ryan, A. (2005). Caring for older people in prehospital emergency care: can nurses make a difference?. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 14(9), 1141-1150
  • Title
  • A title needs to be simple and directly aim to the major investigation that the research is all about. The problem with the title of this article is that it is basing on care for the elder people yet it researches on the efficiency and effectiveness of nurses in the care management service for the elderly.
  • Background
  • The background is well presented but it has equally reviewed on the two sides, effectiveness of the service offered and the problems that the elderly face. The paper should provide more background on the major issue that the article investigate.
  • Study design
  • The article clearly presents the principle questions that aid in the research in an appropriate manner. However, there should also be a question that need to research for manner in which the service can be improved.
  • Methodology
  • The researcher has appropriately incorporated qualitative techniques of data collection including the interviews and questionnaires. The issue of having multi-design method is also appropriate but this might confuse the study.
  • Data representation
  • The idea of data representation has only been incorporated in this study to indicate the demographic features of the participants, thus an important aspect, but not in representing the results which is an essential requirement.
  • Conclusion and recommendation
  • The recommendation provided in the article provides quality ideas that can be incorporated to ease the problem and the effectiveness of the ideas have been discussed. The conclusion does not provide a clear provision of the findings
  • Readability
  • The article has an abstract that presents alignment of each chapter addressed in the article. However, all the major topics should be different from the subtitles
  • Implications of research
  • The research determines the effectiveness of nurses in providing services to the elderly people. More on the recommendations need to be covered since some of them have already been applied and the institutions are looking for more.
  1. Finding from the research
  1. Discussions and recommendation
  1. Value of the research
  1. Focus
  1. Background
  1. Term of reference
  1. Methodology
  1. Ethical consideration
  1. Data presentations
  1. Discussion and conclusions
  1. Readability
  1. Focus
  1. Background
  1. Study design
  1. Ethics
  1. Sampling
  1. Data analysis
  1. Results
  1. Discussions and conclusion
  1. Significance of the study
  1. Focus
  1. Back ground
  1. Method
  1. Data collection
  1. Data analysis
  1. Discussion
  1. Recommendation
6645 Words  24 Pages
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