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Review of Samsung S8 Commercial


Vice President of Marketing



 Marketing & Branding Specialist


Review of Samsung S8 Commercial





      This memo aims to provide insight into the Samsung advertisement regarding its S8 series phones. The advertisement was sent for review, and the feedback for the review and recommendations are provided in this memo.


Ad Description

      The advertisement is a short 1 minute 20 seconds clip, that begins with an athlete preparing for training. Then the camera zooms out to show the phone, with music in the background picking up pace along with the shape of the phone changing due to the events taking place inside the phone videos. Towards the end, the phone screen size increases and the “UNBOX” your phone appears on the phone screen. Finally, showing the phone as a complete new S8 Model with a unique screen size is the main aspect of the new design by Samsung.


Ad creativity                   

                 The advertisement is associated with creativity in that it focuses on presenting ‘all-screen design’ as well as the infinity display. With this creativity, the advert presents some features such as camera performance and virtual reality. The creativity builds brand awareness by creating impression and psychological influence. In the advert, the key message is to promote the new product and this is done using the simplest ideas which are memorable to comprehend. The advert fulfills the purpose and audiences get a clear message. The advert   also presents the development strategy by showing new features and technological innovation.

Cumulative effects


This advert has cumulative effects in that audiences become familiar with the image. The product has a clear identity presented through repeated exposure. The strategy convinces the audiences on the new product with advanced technology.

Ad effectiveness

            The advert is eye catching and achieves the desired effects. The effectiveness of the advert is achieved through ‘call to action. ‘Unbox your phone’ has a figurative meaning where audiences are urged to think differently, buy the phone and share the experience. This advert reminds the audiences on the corporate vision “Inspire the World, Create the Future”.  The audiences are allowed to see the expansive display through different scenes to discover the unique advantage by   understanding how technology and innovation brings difference.  


Ad Critique

      The advertisement gradually picks pace, and the background music is catchy to listen to. The advertisement slowly reveals the phone, and the screen of the phone is the emphasis of the entire advertisement. As the end of the advertisement nears, the full screen is revealed and the two models of S8 and S8+ are displayed. However, there is a lack of information on the phone; more features should be incorporated in order to make the phone more appealing, as design alone is not an aspect that Samsung should bank on through this advertisement.



      The advertisement is good, but there is a need to add more features to be mentioned at the end of the advertisement. Features of the camera quality, and processor updates need to be mentioned, as screen size and dynamics alone are a single aspect of the new phone which is not enough to market.  It is also important to include all appealing features to the audiences for them to value the product and increase the purchasing power. Overall the layout of the advertisement is good, but the additions at the end will help market the product better.



Link to Video:



566 Words  2 Pages
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