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Scholarship of Agriculture Education

Scholarship of Agriculture Education

            I agree with the idea of scholarship and its dissemination because it is necessary for all probationary faculty members to be engaged in scholarship during research, and extension practice which are important in agriculture education. Scholarship is important for creativity, rational inquiry of the topic and how to apply and expose the conclusions drawn from that inquiry honestly. Additionally, it helps to build on existing knowledge and employs significant analysis and judgment hence enhancing understanding. Scholarship is also important because it results into product that can be shared with others in the faculty and it subject to criticism where by qualified individuals can criticize and judge the product hence attaining perfect results. Expectation of scholarship dissemination is part of my obligation as a professional. This is because scholarship is wide and it covers many aspects for instance research falls under scholarship and it is so vital as far as my profession is concerned (In Oermann, 2015). Scholarship includes creative activities, teaching practice or professional practice which is vital in the profession.

                        Scholarship dissemination can be done using formal means or informal means and this is how I would disseminate the scholarship I create. One of the ways I can disseminate my created scholarship is by writing in scholarly journals, E-only journals, books, and working papers. Dissemination can also be done by using multimedia formats for instance video recordings (In Oermann, 2015). I can use monographs and refereed journals to disseminate scholarships. Materials can also be designed for use with the computer, musical concerts novels, essays and scholarly articles. Also, these scholarships can be disseminated in exhibitions and performances. Additionally, scholarships can also be disseminated through invited lectures and conference presentations. Those are some of the ways I can disseminate scholarship as far as my profession is concerned.


In Oermann, M. H. (2015). Teaching in nursing and role of the educator: The complete guide to best practice in teaching, evaluation and curriculum development.



327 Words  1 Pages
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