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Stanford University Essay

Stanford University Essay

Communication skills have really enabled me to be able to understand how to communicate to people of different ages and at different places. This is consequently because, I mastered the art of communication skills while I was still undertaking bilingual International Baccalaureate. I majored in English and business, where I did mass communication and. This subject really enabled me to be able to understand the beauty of communication skills. This therefore enabled me to work hard in order to better my communication skills, through reading a lot books. Moreover, I also became a frequent visitor of online library, in order to be able to gain an in depth of communication skills. I enjoyed studying English out of the four languages which I was undertaking, that is, English, French, Spanish and Italic. English was my favourite language, simply because it was easy for me to pronounce English words, and to also communicate. French and Spanish were alike and this made it much easier for me to understand the two languages hence I can be able to communicate with anybody fluently using both languages. Italic was a bit complicated, but after reading a lot of books I was able to understand thus I can also communicate effectively in Italic. Language skills are therefore very significant in my life since I can be able to conduct business transactions at ease with people from different parts of the world.

238 Words  1 Pages
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