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Explain the reasons behind my preference for University of Pennsylvania



Learning process takes place within a designated institution and it is up to the learner to realize the task ahead of them and settle on an institute suited for their academic journey. Students give varying factors for transferring but regardless of the underlying reasons, which forces one to move, it may be for the better. In my personal case, an objective without a strategy is synonymous to wishful thinking and I like putting my words into action rather than delay and regret later in life. In this particular admission essay, I elaborately explain the reasons behind my preference for University of Pennsylvania.


My purposes for moving are purely academic. From an early age, I was a late bloomer but this did not deter me from pursuing my dreams and scoring grade A in chemistry and biology. On a person level, I am a down to earth personality, modern and active, just like any other youth living in the 21st century. I take my academic studies seriously, and work well with other people. More so, one of my dreams as a child was studying at University of Pennsylvania. Thus, to achieve my personal objectives and hopes for the future, I need a solid community, which will guide me through my future dreams as it shapes my character into a wholesome woman.

 I come from an intriguing background with supportive family members by my side. I am willing and determined to work hard for a better future with the assistance of a well-equipped institution such as Pennsylvania. The only thing that makes me stands above other students is the manner in which I spend my extra time or leisure from school. As stated earlier, I come from a uncharacteristic background, the discipline and sheer dedication of sustaining academic life requires finances and careful spending. Therefore, getting a job is one of the things that the university will help facilitate. Job during summer or after the school sessions will assist me cater for my personal needs, which in turn take part in accomplishing other essential tasks. I deliberately choose working after school to gain social skills, fulfillment, and responsibility. I am aware of the fact that each semester comes with its own challenges but life outside the actual study surrounding has the ability to shape the general outlook of life and give academic studies deeper meaning and purpose. Simply put, surrounding University of Pennsylvania community will help me develop a holistic approach to life and my studies.


 After critical analysis of the other colleges, I realized that other academic institutions fail to present a holistic perspective on matters pertaining education and do not have the required course I intend pursuing. More and more my focus seems to lean on having college education with multi-faceted perspectives in order to influence on my personal and future medical career. When I visited University of Pennsylvania this fall, the institution captivated me and exceeded my expectations and the variety of course programs offered at the well known institution would help in my medical career. I absolutely loved the serene environment and neighborhood. More so, the broad approach to other all fields studied within the institution center on imparting insight to the students, which is a great deal to me and my personal values and beliefs. Therefore, by attending University of Pennsylvania, I expect to widen my knowledge in the medical field and volunteer in community work.

 After years of extensive research, acquisition of information brought me to University of Pennsylvania. Past academic life opened my mind, giving me the capacity to sift through unnecessary material and remain with what only relevant and worked in my favor. Most of the institutions only give specialized intellectual content. However, gaining intellectual power and preparation for medical school requires more than a classroom knowledge and goes beyond the walls of the teaching space into community and extra-curricular activities incorporated in the classes.

According to past scholars, education is a way of fully expressing one’s desires and wishes, which continue existing throughout the generations. This statement mirrors my reason for transferring into University of Pennsylvania. I am of the opinion that a top institution such as Pennsylvania encompasses my appreciation of the vital role education plays in the life of any individual. Majorly, the manner in which an institution handles its programs has long lasting influences on the life of people.

My early encounter with medicine inspired my interests and led me into engaging in hobbies related to the medical fields such as nursing and first aid activities. Even as I discovered general rules pertaining medicine, I acquired a newfound gratitude and respect for the field and for a better future, I had to entrust an excellent institution with my career hopes for a better tomorrow.

Families’ values or principles shape dreams and career choices. I want to transform other people’s lives through my medical expertise acquired over time through Pennsylvania institution. My family made me realize that touching other people’s lives in a positive way creates peace in the world. Attending University of Pennsylvania brings me a little bit closer to my dreams. I hope to possess the skills, wisdom, and qualities that would later turn me into a medical expert with the ability of changing lives of other people around me for the betterment of the entire community. On the other hand, I seek to construct and secure a better future for both my family members and myself. The role my family played in shaping me cannot go unappreciated or unrewarded. Therefore, I decided to make the transfer for their sake.

I agree that the responsibility of building a career does not squarely fall on the shoulders of the institution. I have a role to play in ensuring a better future. The hope to become better in each and every way so that success can later materialize needs sheer hard work,  self-discipline, a great deal of patience and persistence. In essence, the institution facilitates and guides my path to greatness and success.

 My struggle with Depression

From my high school days, I struggled with depression. The mental illness had a negative effect on my education. It is difficult attaining good grades while struggling with depression at the same time. In fact, depression affects understanding and memory retention due to the mood fluctuations resulting from the mental disorder. Despite of the myriad of challenges faced, in my senior year, I received expert assistance and presently, I can effectively handle my depression bouts every time they arise without interfering with my daily routines. Right now, I am at the top of my classes at my current academic institution. Given an opportunity, joining University of Pennsylvania will bring me closer to my dreams hence changing my life completely. I always wanted to study medicine and impact the lives of other people. My father played a crucial role in directing my interests in medicine. He is a doctor.

Against the backdrop of depression and mental health, I am still a grade A student with the capability of breaking down my objectives into small attainable goals hence I am not just a book warm but an all-round personality, able to achieve beyond my set objectives. The first time I contemplated going to college, I thought it was a difficult task. However, today, the situation is different due to diligence and prior preparations. In summary, I am eager to take a bold step into the future by attending Pennsylvania University. It is my wish to graduate and go on to help the community. I am a compassionate person, able to adopt and work toward my goals with the community around me. My long battle with depression imparted the art of adapting to new environments and setting high standards for myself every time I failed or meet an obstacle. Therefore, my depression was a blessing in disguise due to the new acquired strength, giving me power to fight and win while hoping for a bright future. In addition, transferring gives me a unique chance to participate and contribute to the community. As a woman, I am an athlete, an intellectual and assist in giving sound advice to other students suffering from depression and the stressful college life. Simply put, it is not just about attaining my dreams but building up and participating or even forming coalitions within the campus that would later assist other students as well.









1403 Words  5 Pages
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