Expanded Field of Landscape Architecture by Elizabeth K. Meyer
Elizabeth Meyer argues for increased attention towards the general development of a theoretical ground for architectural land scape which uses categories and language that is specific to discipline contrary to plagiarizing from others. From the ‘’Expanded Field Of Landscape Architecture’’ Meyer demonstrates the manner in which linguistics strategies can be utilized in critiquing contemporary conduct and generate ways for additional alternatives of gaining better understanding in regard to landscape[1]. The presentation by Meyer additionally present a feminist viewpoint which is mainly based on the exploration the major argument of the essay that any landscape language serves inevitably very specific interests and also works through the exclusion of others[2]. The essay is based on the theme of feminism and the implication of historical practices on modern landscape architecture.
Some key words that are utilized in Meyer’s presentation are landscape and language. This is through stating that language is a form of landscape as it can be termed as individual’s native language[3]. The presentations overlap each other as they argue for a similar thing. Both presentations argues that landscape architecture should be permitted to speak in manner that avoids the occurrence of binaries and works in the gaps amid the boundaries of nature, culture, female, male, landscape, architecture and also permits individuals to question the major grounds where individual knowledge in regard to landscape is situated.
Meyer structures her presentation through demonstrating the female viewpoint of landscape architecture and comparing it with the historically accepted perspective. All her presentations complement each other as they are based on criticizing the general understanding and universal view of landscape architecture[4]. The two presentations that are utilized to develop the argument are the architectural history and theory implication and the modern landscape architecture suppressed figures. The presentations argues that the general definition of architectural landscape is a by-rid activity which cannot be defined simply with the utilization of binary pairs utilized as situations that are in opposition. Based on the dependent on the modes of thinking the individual’s capability to listen, see and generate new perspectives is hindered. Landscape architecture cannot be described with the view of female nature and the hierarchy of the male gender as both perspectives should be considered highly[5].
The arguments are mainly constructed in direct response to the historical arguments that had been developed and accepted by others in regard to the general significance of landscape. The motivation of the authors wording is the fact that she states that describing architecture as the other female to transcendent male subject architecture is not a relationship that is generated naturally. Meyer states that the association is just a conceptual kind that is constructed mainly by the society and symbolizes social values[6]. This did not only play part in the structuring of modern architectural history but also a major misrepresentation of modern architectural landscape history.
According to Meyer architecture landscape is not a conduct that can fully be defined as either in terms of nature, science, art, culture, man or architecture. This description can thus be described as the construction theories which are based on individual interpretations[7]. Architectural landscape can best be described as a language that is widely shared among humans. Landscape architecture is the design that permits individuals to communicate in a more clear way via interventions of different designs[8].
Meyer, Elizabeth K. 2011. Expanded Field of Landscape Architecture (excerpt). Pp. 1-1. Retrieved from http://scenariojournal.com/article/the-expanded-field-of-landscape-architecture-excerpt/
Meyer, Elizabeth K. N.d. Expanded Field of Landscape Architecture. Pp. 45-79. Pdf
[1] Meyer, Elizabeth K. 2011. Expanded Field of Landscape Architecture (excerpt). Pp. 1-1.
[2] Meyer, Elizabeth K. N.d. Expanded Field of Landscape Architecture. Pp. 45-79. Pdf
[3] Meyer, Elizabeth K. N.d. Expanded Field of Landscape Architecture. Pp. 45-79. Pdf
[4] M Meyer, Elizabeth K. N.d. Expanded Field of Landscape Architecture. Pp. 45-79. Pdf
[5] Meyer, Elizabeth K. N.d. Expanded Field of Landscape Architecture. Pp. 45-79. Pdf
[7] Meyer, Elizabeth K. N.d. Expanded Field of Landscape Architecture. Pp. 45-79. Pdf
[8] Meyer, Elizabeth K. N.d. Expanded Field of Landscape Architecture. Pp. 45-79. Pdf