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            A pencil is utilized in drawing as well as in writing and it generates durable markings, despite the fact that the writing can be removed easily with the utilization of an eraser. A pencil is resistant to water, several forms of chemicals, radiation of ultraviolet and gaining nature.  A pencil is developed using glue, wood, graphite and rubber compounds which is termed as a lead of the pencil (Orloff, 2012).  The compound of the graphite is mainly made from the composition of pure graphite which is not normally common.  In addition this compound may be made from a mixer of graphite with a polymer binder.  The core graphite is usually called the lead pencil as the prior existing graphite was utilized in marking different devices.  The eraser that is placed at the pencil top is made from rubber that is vulcanized which is connected with stone pumice. This is an eraser that is characterized mainly by a pink color.  On the other and the eraser may be developed from vinyl whose erase is characterized by distinct colors.  Rubber is referred as so because of its general capability to erase marks that are made by the pencil (Orloff, 2012).

A pencil is manufactured by cutting the slats of pencils using the well-designed saws. The saws are designed in a thin structure which helps in reducing the amount of waste that is produced.  The developed slats are then treated using stain and wood in order to attain a color that is uniform and improve the ability to sharpen them (Orloff, 2012).  In addition some slats are developed in smaller cuts in width which helps in eliminating the defects thus producing various usable pencil grades.  The grooved slat are glued together and held tightly by the machines for the used glue to dry. After the glue dries up  the  connected slats are  moved to the  shaper for trimming in  order to  ensure that the  developed shape is  square  and the pencils developed are of  appropriate length (Quirk, & Palmer-Schuyler, 2016). The developed structure is then machined in making a pencil shape such as round or hexagonal.  The pencils are then ready for more processing.  The pencils are then painted in a machine that receives around ten lacquers which mainly relies on the desired depth color and quality.  In accepting ferrule a recess is cut. This means that the pencils are wrapped using decorative foils which are characterized by fancy designs which holds the name of the brand which is done through stamping. An eraser is placed at the top of the pencil by a machine referred as tipping which is placed using a metal ring which surrounds the eraser at the top (Quirk, & Palmer-Schuyler, 2016).

A pencil may be manufacture through color blending materials like artificial graphite with binder clay and grinding water with the achieved blend (Greeff, & Ghoshal, 2004).  This is them followed by kneading the blend extruding all the materials that are wet so that it can be obtained into the adequate lead pencil form after dying has been conducted.  Baking is then conducted at a raised temperate of 1000 degrees and it is then immersed in oil.  This method becomes complicated because it involves the utility of technological advances and numerous stages. In addition it requires time extrusion as well as adequate water control.  In the applicable manufacturing is characterized by a color blending material with resin novolak and an extrusion of blend under over a hundred degrees temperature and pressure.








            Greeff, G., & Ghoshal, R. (2004). Practical E-manufacturing and supply chain management. Oxford: Newnes.

Orloff, M. A. (2012). Modern TRIZ: A practical course with EASyTRIZ technology. Heidelberg: Springer.

Quirk, T. J., & Palmer-Schuyler, J. (2016). Excel 2013 for human resource management statistics: A guide to solving practical problems.

633 Words  2 Pages
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