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Aesthetics in art



Aesthetics in art

            The work titled ‘Undetectable: The presence of HIV in contemporary American art’ by Rock Hushka (n.d) demonstrates the authors abilit to communicate through art. A good example is the aesthetic qualities seen in the piece ‘Untitled (buffalo)’ by David Wojnarowicz (1994) showcased in his work. From the piece, three buffallos are shown falling off a cliff. Color is used to evoke the dark emotion associated with death as the bulls symbolize the outcome that is likely to befall society is the issue of HIV is not brought in the open. The image of buffalos falling to their death made me come to terms with the severity of the disease as it affects even the strongest of people in society.

            The image also fits into the theme of activism as it is a call to action informing those who view it of the final outcome of those who get infected. The decision to use buffalos falling off a cliff is symbolic of the tragic end awaiting those infected. It also shows the severity of the situation as the buffalo’s, similar to humans’ have no control over the outcomes that follow once one gets infected.

            The piece successfully combines art and activism in that it is appealing to both forms. On the one hand, the piece has the tone, texture, color and other elements that are used in harmony to make it even more appealing. The black and white for instance shows the grave nature of HIV and the same is communicated through the image of the animals falling down a cliff. Activism on the other hand is achieved through the buffalos depicted falling. Since the animals are falling to their death, the art is a call to action indicating what happens when those diagnosed with HIV do not get the help that is needed.



Hushka R, (n.d) “Undetectable: The presence of HIV in contemporary American art”






321 Words  1 Pages
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