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Choose ONE interesting scene (one image) from Grilled and Basted Edo-Born Playboy (1785) and briefly discuss all of the following: what is going on in the scene?

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Paper Instructions:

Choose ONE interesting scene (one image) from Grilled and Basted Edo-Born Playboy (1785) and briefly discuss all of the following: what is going on in the scene? What specific pleasure quarter custom or contemporary assumption about romance is made fun of? What exactly is the humor in the scene? Don’t forget to indicate the page number of the scene you discuss.
Use footnotes for all citations.
20. Indicate page numbers for all citations.
21. Your citations should adhere to the notes and bibliography system outlined in The
Chicago Manual of Style.
Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide: The Chicago Manual of Style Online (HKU Library subscription):

123 Words  1 Pages
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