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Late Baroque

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Paper Instructions:

Rococo is also known as "Late Baroque". What, exactly, is "Baroque" about Rococo architecture and art and what is different? What had changed culturally that might explain its appeal to aristocratic patrons in 18th century Europe (in other words, what had changed about the cultural context)? Answer these questions and present an example of Rococo architecture, painting, or sculpture with a brief description of its style and function and what makes it distinctly Rococo.

Mezzetin by Watteau

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Hubala, Erich. The Universe History of Art and Architecture: Baroque and Rococo. New York: St Martin's Press, 1989.

The "Enlightenment and the New Woman" PDF (for the discussion) comes from

Neuman, Robert. Baroque and Rococo Art and Architecture. Boston: Pearson Press, 2013.

133 Words  1 Pages
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